Making A Difference

Empowering People/Building Community

Mission Statement

Embodying a sense of pride and appreciation of traditions, East High School empowers teachers to teach and students to learn.  Founded in 2016, the East High School Alumni Association of Greater Kansas City preserves a shared spirit and culture among present and future alumni.  The wide-ranging and diverse network of communication insures the unique ideas, long-lasting loyalty, and perpetual camaraderie of East High School.

The East High School Alumni Association of Greater Kansas City will create an ongoing communication with fellow alumni and the present Kansas City Community.  The association strives to develop professional relationships with East High School Alumni and the Kansas City Community.

The goals of the East High School Alumni Association of Kansas City are…

  • To provide mentoring to the youth in the community.
  • To provide undergraduate scholarships.
  • To assist with the planning and organization of reunions.
  • To develop a comprehensive database of all alumni.
  • To develop a website regarding significant events in the lives of alumni and the present EHS community.
  • To organize Alumni Association Fundraisers.
  • To develop a historic archive for East High School, including a collection of memorabilia.
  • Serve as a conduit for sharing information between Alumni Association and East High School and other Community Based Organizations.

Give Us A Shout Out!

Committee Members

Caw, Marlon

Hayes, Shaun

Johnson, Raymond

Lewis, Patrick

Love, Andre

Mitchell, Marcus


Website Design by- Young Designs